DS/DA Series - Intelligent Display Unit

DS/DA Series - Intelligent Display Unit


Intelligent type display units DS/DA series are available in 6 input options, including serial input, parallel input, RS485 communication input, RS485 communication time sync display, PT temperature sensor input, and PT temperature sensor + RS485 communication input. The DS/DA series is expandable up to 24 units with simple multi-stage connection, and switchable unit plates are available to provide installation flexibility for users. The displays are available in 7-segment, 16-segment types and green, red LED types and diverse combinations are possible.

※ New line-up: RS485 communication time sync display models (DS◻-◻C)
※ Added feature: master mode for RS485 communication input models (D◻◻-◻T)

* Simple wiring without soldering
   - Multi-stage connection using expansion connectors or ribbon cables
   - Power supply and data wiring required on base unit only
* Various input options:
   - Serial input
   - Parallel input
   - RS485 communication input 
   - RS485 communication time sync display
   - PT temperature sensor input  
   - PT temperature sensor + RS485 communication input 
* Expandable up to 24 units with multi-stage connection
* Available in various sizes: 16 mm, 22.5 mm, 40 mm, 60 mm
* Available in 7-segment display and 16-segment display types
* Available in red display and green display types
* High luminance LED display
* Various unit display plates (switchable) with flashing or ON/OFF options
* Display 64 unique characters (0 to 9, A to Z, 27 symbols, period)

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